Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Yeasty goodness

I love baking just as much as the next person but, when it comes to baking homemade bread, I have been known to cut corners. Who can knead for seven minutes straight anyhow? I start to get lazy after about four minutes of kneading so I was really excited when I read about a no-knead bread recipe from Mark Bittman's blog.

This bread has changed my life- no lie. Easy peasy. All you really need is a day lead time. Also, with the mock steam infusion, the crust is crisp and the light, airy bread within is so soft and flavorful. This bread is well worth the wait!


Jessica Brandi said...

We just picked up Jim Lahey's bread book in my house and, and... don't you just love the crust? Makes the very best toast.

Kristin said...

It does! I've never had something so simple turn out so well.