Sunday, May 18, 2008

Sundays have always seemed magical, indulgent and cozy to me from as young as I can remember. It's hard not to love days where you connect with community, take naps, and make some sort of yummy food to enjoy. Today I didn't see anyone really, but I did take a nap and make cupcakes in honor of the one week mark of my summer being solo! Yes, I am slowly morphing into a cat lady.

This morning I unearthed several projects that have been collecting dust on my shelves. I finally finished embroidering the Ganesh yoga t-shirt for the adorable girl I nanny for. At age two, she is quite the yogi and its never too early to start building up a yoga clothes stash!

It would be super rad if I managed to blog regularly this summer. It would be a detailed record of days for me to share with my sea faring partner, as well as a great way to connect with all my crafty, project-y friends and share our interests, tangents and passions together. Okay, enough rambling- here's to Sundays!

Thursday, May 08, 2008

Today I have some bad chickens on my hands. On a normal day my three chickens- Ruby, Lady Bird and Anita- are an endearing trio of squawks, clucks and squeaks (yes! Ruby, the ill adjusted runt of the group, squeaks). This morning however, they have managed to escape. Three times. I think its time to remind them again that "cruelty free" comes for only very lucky chickens like themselves...